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Created by Likely Story Theatre

As the Ancient Solstice Legend tells, the Holly Queen and Oak Queen are locked in a never-ending battle for the seasons, a battle of Light and Dark…at least, they were…The Holly Queen has lost her Crown and with it her power. 


Closer to home, in the depths of the Archive of Lost and Forgotten, twins Blodwyn and Gordon are locked in a never-ending battle over just about everything!

Blodwyn has lost all track of time archiving a mysterious wintery looking crown that recently turned up in her department. She doesn't realise her magic is slowly drawing her in and she is in danger of being lost in an icy world of shadows forever.

Can Gordon and Blodwyn put aside their differences to rediscover the light in the darkness and at the same time help the Holly Queen find her crown and return to her full wintery power. 

Join Likely Story for this magical, daft and joyful festive family adventure.

Meet The Team

Deviser and Performers: Ellen Jane-Thomas,  Gethin Roberts

Vision Wrangler: Hazel Anderson & Ellen Groves

Design and Magic Maker: Kirsty Harris

Magic Maker: Chloe Stoakes

Composer: Tom Elstob

Producer: Ellen Groves

Production Manager: Nick Alsopp

Stage Manager: Ellie Reynolds

Social Media Manager: Ellie Pilot

Images: Kirsten McTernan @kirstenmcternanphotography 


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4 Tweedsmuir Roath


CF24 2RD




©2006 by Likely Story

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